Privacy Policy

At, we value your privacy and security while shopping.

All sales information is kept confidential and is used only for our own reporting purposes at Love Nest.

We DO NOT sell or distribute this information in any form to any third-parties.

Your email address is used only to communicate with you directly and efficiently. It will be used to let you know that your order has been processed, your product(s) have been shipped, and about updates to our product lines or web site. You can remove yourself permanently from the email list at any time.

We use cookies to track a customer through their sales process for statistical and shopping cart purposes. We use this information to help us provide you with a better shopping experience; it is never shared with third parties. It helped us create this shopping cart system where you can purchase a product with fewer clicks and fields saving you time to resubmit your order.

We use plain-box shipping with no distinguishing identifiers to our company. Your credit card statement will show transactions from "SP*LOVENESTONLINE"